let it be henceforth known that i am a god-awful pen pal. i was planning on writing it on the plane tonight actually. tell me im horrible, that might inspire me to start.
i've been hanging in there. kind of stuck at a fork in the road. working on some art, and that's all that matters right now. i am contemplating a new project - of memoirs that i do not have pictures of. also, i'm just getting over from being sick. how are you? i saw from facebook that you left paris for the holidays? did you go back to africa? p.s. teleport here and kidnpa me, pleaseeeee?!?! america is boring me.
i miss you. have you sent me my letter yet?
i miss you too...
a letter written when wanted to be written is much better than a letter forced.
how have you been?
how are you? i saw from facebook that you left paris for the holidays? did you go back to africa?
p.s. teleport here and kidnpa me, pleaseeeee?!?! america is boring me.
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