Working hard or hardly working?

May 01, 2005 21:00

This is me studying.

I think I really have been studying. It's always hard to tell, because I get distracted so easily. I'll know Tomorrow at my exam. Times like this make me want to cash in my adderal prescription. J's logic: Tolkien - le ' = Tokin'. Suddenly it all makes sense...and I am beginning to hate livejournal. I played in the water at the BGLAAD picnic Today. I felt special. None of these ideas are related at all, but I wanted them to be one paragraph anyway. So, suck it. Bitch.

Attention. I plan to eat at Capone's Tuesday night. Who's with me? Oh, how I love pizza. Oh, how I love pi-izza-a. Oh, how I love pizza, because it first loved me... I have no explanation for that particular deviation...

!!!!! Best purchase of the semester: Extra Sweet Brown Sugar Strawberries. Ohmyfuckinggodit'slikesomeoneinjectedthemwithsugarandican'tstopeatingthemahhhhhh! You know you're jealous. Losers....

Damn it, Dr. Rorbakken. Don't you realize that in making our assignment one page double-spaced you have condemned me to complete it at the very last minute?! Like Tomorrow morning before work, probably. I was going to keep writing about this, but Family Guy is coming on, and I need a break from all this studying. Phew.

~yo mama's sex slave

::EDIT:: I was making a mental lists of inevitable party occurrences and figured i'd share:
-the potheads will eventually gather around the cake, and devour it.
-someone will become belligerent
-someone, probably more than one person, will get very sick, and maybe even puke in someone's car
-there will be bathroom revelations between that person and the person puking
-someone will get expose himself
-several drinks will be spilled

feel free to add your own, the list goes on

aaaaaand it's always cool to be in the group of people who stayed awake long enough to get free liquor.
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