So my mama's been working very hard to produce a decent sized body of work - she wants to start up a wee etsy store dealing with necklaces/earrings/bracelets and the like, mostly glass and wirework- and I took a quick couple of pictures today after reading some instructions on large scale photography.
They still need some touching up in photoshop - the white balance is out on the first one and both could do with having their backgrounds a little whiter, but I rather like them. Focus pull photography makes me a happy panda.
In other news, I took a very steamy iron to the satin overbust, and it pressed beautifully!
Bwoah, look at that inky blackness. Nom nomnom. I hope more people want to work with this fabric, it's just delicious!
One half of the corset is completed entirely, along with trimming and such. Tomorrow I'll be working on the other side. I got the second half of the white overbust assembled today, as well as the boning channels and a bit of the back facing secured down. It should be completely assembled with half the binding by tomorrow evening, and I'll cut the bones for it while watching telly or something...