Head colds should go die in a ditch somewhere

Aug 28, 2009 20:41

I had to stop work a couple of hours early cause the whole flu/unidentifiable illness thing go into my brain. Doing pattern matching on the front print panels of scriptique 's corset and on the first go managed to cut to pieces exactly the same - lay the panel right side up to match, rather than down. Silly me. I got it done fine on the second go, but I decided I'd be better off calling it a day than making a potentially costly mistake.

Ate burger and fries for dinner, om nom nom. I always want cheese when I'm ill, which is strange, seeing as any sort of cheese or pretty much any dairy by-product makes me gag normally. Ah soymilk, how I love thee...

Only four corsets left though! Can't work on senkahaheiwa 's until the supplies arrive as her fabric comes with it, but aside from that making good progress. Not going to the initial patterning for the armour tomorrow, I'm kinda worried I'd crash on the bike, or fall asleep and crash in the car.  Could take public transport, but eh...I'm too lazy. Plus I get motion sick unless I'm driving, and being motion sick and ill wouldn't be a particularly pleasent state to be in. O.o

HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO work on the rococo dress this weekend. I'm going to do pleating for around the front panel and other sleeve tomorrow while watching Smallville (Doomsdays' finally doing something! About bloody time! Of course, my hopes could be completely destroyed come tomorrow morning, but we'll see). The pleating isn't hard, just finickety. Poly satin gets really super hot when you press it - it doesn't take creases easily so you have to use a super hot iron on it - which makes trying to pin it awkward. I really must get some glass-head quilters pins one of these days. Damn. Could've asked for those on my birthday....

Anyway, I'm curled up on the 'puter in my comfy jeans and one of my old painting shirts with a fuzzy blanket and a cup of green tea, so life, all in all, is quite good.

Left to cut:

Not to shabby for a weeks work. Construction time come tuesday, excitement!

life, corset, suit of armour project, application rococo dress, my so-called health, sewing, bulk corsetry project

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