Everything Thaws is coming in 2022

Apr 25, 2021 15:56

I signed the contract and can finally announce that my poetry memoir EVERYTHING THAWS, about Soviet Jews and permafrost and climate change and stories of the Vorkuta GULAG will be forthcoming from Ben Yehuda Press in 2022. This book has been in development for a few years, after my father passed away - a painful thing to write. It’s about multigenerational trauma and the expectation of not speaking about trauma, and not speaking about many other things, like queerness.

You might be already familiar with this: a poem from this book was published in Uncanny Magazine - “‘Eating Disorder ‘doesn’t begin to describe it.”

I am grateful to Lisa M. Bradley for her insightful commentary on a draft of this book, to Sonya Taaffe for reading and encouragement, to my Patreon backers who followed along, and to Bogi Takács, as ever, for their support.

Originally published at R.B. Lemberg. You can comment here or there.


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