Last year I found myself
a recipient of a new fan award, The Sippy, bestowed by none other than
Charles Payseur, reviewer extraordinaire. My Birdverse novelette “
Geometries of Belonging” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies received The Big Sip for excellent relationships in short SFF!
This year,
in preparation for 2016 Sippys, Charles redesigned the award and kindly revisited the last year’s winners with the new trophies.
Here is mine:
I am really happy with this. In general I am just so happy to see that Birdverse has fans. It means a lot to me. I am especially happy to see “Geometries…” recognized; as you may have seen, I have since written a novel about some of the characters in this novelette - and I’m almost ready to query it.
If you’d like to support Charles Payseur’s reviewing work, he now has a
Patreon for Quick Sip Reviews!
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