Originally posted by
aliettedb at
Nebula Awards deadline Just a quick reminder that today, 15th Feb 11:59pm PST, is the deadline for nominating for the Nebula Awards.
If you’re still looking for stuff to fill your ballot or just want to jog your memory, my updated awards eligibility/recs post is
here. (*cough* The House of Shattered Wings *cough*).
Fran Wilde also had an excellent one
Two PSAs: first, my annual reminder to please please nominate even if you don’t feel you’ve read widely in the genre this year. First off, there are so many works it’s impossible to have read *everything*. Second, experience has shown that people who have scruples about “not reading widely” tend to be overwhelmingly women/minorities, leading to skewed awards ballots. If you have (a) favourite thing(s), do nominate it!
Second, insofar as the Nebulas are concerned, Lois McMaster Bujold’s Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen has been determined to be eligible for 2015 due to Baen selling ARCs in 2015. I don’t know what the Hugo ruling is going to be (it’d only get made if the novel made the ballot), but there’s a strong suspicion that if you do want to nominate it for the Hugos, this year would be best too.
Cross-posted from
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