Baba Yaga in July Apex

Jul 04, 2014 12:13

Apex July 2014 cover

Almost forgot to post this - but my fairly humorous poem “Baba Yaga Tries to Donate Money,” about the perils of crowdfunding, is up in July issue of Apex Magazine.

A while ago I posted a draft of this poem for critique under lock on my Livejournal. Gillian commented:

“And I accidentally found the boobs Baba Yaga. *shudder*”

I was taken aback by this, as the imagery in the poem came from my imagination; but while preparing to post this entry I googled, and … indeed. My plan was to entertain you with pictures of a sexified Baba Yaga, but once I found them, I think I shall desist. *shudder*

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

publication, poetry, magic

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