While the red bells rang like thunder

Oct 01, 2013 16:01

Originally posted by sovay at While the red bells rang like thunder

Rabbit, rabbit. The month is October, so I am now reading submissions for Strange Horizons. Send me all your autumnal things! And your winter-turning poems, too; I'm on active duty through the month of November, which is the end of our reading year. We will be closing to submissions again this December and reopening in January 2014, after which we plan to stay open the full year.

In the meantime, please check out this excellent, spiky, shifting poem and interview with shweta_narayan, featured poet of this week's issue of Indian speculative fiction. Our fund drive is still running, having just paid off Bryan Thao Worra's "Full Metal Hanuman" and a poetry podcast roundtable, but there's still an interview, fiction, and stretch incentives to go. io9 thought we were September's worthiest cause, but October's a good month to be generous too, right? A soul, a soul, a soul cake . . .

This is also the month of my birthday, moving house with derspatchel, and performing again as part of Music to Cure MS. And there is a Humphrey Bogart retrospective starting on Friday at the Brattle. Hey, autumn.
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