To Do List:
Oral Report on Whitman
10-15 page American Renaissance paper
Write Poetry
Comment on Poetry
Finish my 3 paintings for next Thursday
Read Melville Stories
Native American Lit Research paper
Write Bibliography for Capstone
Write NaNoWriMo
Work on novel
Get a syllabus for Independent Study
Find a new adviser
I hate that I need a new adviser for my last semester here. Damn it, Tom, why are you going on sabbatical.
Ewa, as much as I love her, is driving me insane. I just want to look over and workshop everybody's poems, like we are supposed to, but no, she has to keep giving us new assignments and projects to work on, other poets to look at, all the while chastising us for not giving her poems every week, when I hardly see the point since we haven't even looked over the poems we gave her over a week ago. Gah.
I have so much work to do, between painting and both my Pat Anderson classes. I need to write that huge, overly difficult paper for him, and come up with a topic for Native American lit. And God, painting. That's driving me nuts. I spend so much time working on the projects, and so much money and all of that paint, Cassandra's starting to wonder if I'm a painting major now.
NaNo's not going so good. As of right now my count is at 9,154 words. I'm two days behind in my word count! Argh. Hopefully I can catch up this weekend. You know, between rereading Emerson and painting my life away.
David Elliott has not answered my email. I need to go hunt him down.
Oh! And Heroes!
First I was upset with Hiro, for kissing the girl, and messing with Kensei. Then I was mad at Kensei, for being angry with poor Hiro. Now I'm beyond confused. Um. Kensei's in the future? And his name is Adam? And he knows Peter? What is going on? First me and Cassandra thought he found someone else that could time jump, then Mandy came up with the idea that maybe his healing ability has just allowed him to live forever. But if he's been alive this whole time, then that's 400 years of bitterness he's got building up inside. That cannot be healthy. And does this mean that he's the one that killed Hiro's dad?
HRG is going all crazy, and stupid flying boy is making me mad. Yes, I understand that glasses man is freaking you out, but don't get mad at Claire! and now Claire's being all pubescent, getting mad at her dad and screwing up their lives. Talk to him, damn it!
Oh, and Nikki? Nikki's a dumb bitch. Why the FUCK was it necessary to stab yourself with the needle? What was that going to accomplish you dumb shit? Now everything's going to hell. WAY TO GO.
And Mohinder. At first I was mad at him for trusting Bob, but he's not really trusting him, right? He's just trying to figure out what is the best thing to do. And it's probably good that Mohinder isn't trusting people anymore. Last season proved that when Mohinder trusts people, bad things happen.
I hope HRG doesn't actually die. Despite his creepiness I like him there.
I want to know what Angela Petrelli's power is! Oh my god! And what did they do? They need to explain!!
I was in such a rage at the end of this episode. And now I need--need need need need need-- to see what happens next, so I can perhaps regain a small portion of my sanity.
I'm gonna go read books now...
[edit] Oh, and do
this thing people, come on! I know you know some, Kerri!