My day, yesterday.

Mar 19, 2009 06:43

I watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time yesterday. Awesome movie is awesome. All the hype didn't even kind of ruin how much I loved this film.

I stayed home from work yesterday, so to stave off the insufferable boredom I sewed and baked while what was apparently a John and Kate + 8 played in the background. I made brownies! And these things the cook book called nun's puffs? Basically fluffy biscuits with sugar on top--really easy to make, and super tasty! I'll probably make more brownies this week, since I want Pat to have some and my dad will probably eat most of this batch (I notice that a third of the pan is already gone).

I also took the dogs for a walk in the woods. It was so nice out! I'm so glad it's spring. I love the winter, but the last few weeks of it always drag, maybe because I'm anticipating the green so much. But all that snow and guck makes me really appreciate it when it's finally warm.

cosplay, spring, baking, anime

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