Jan 28, 2009 21:51
Sonic Adventure dialogue is oh, so bad. I don't know how I didn't remember that; either my brain made me forget, or I was such a retard for Dreamcast that I simply didn't notice.
I subbed 6th grade again yesterday. Lucas was one of the students for part of the day, which some of you will know is cool. Probably only Kerri will know how fricking cool this is--Mr. Furtado was subbing too! And he remembered me ^_^ (Mr. Furtado was our art teacher, and retired the same year I graduated. He's awesome.)
I ordered Sonic Adventure 2 and Skies of Arcadia today because I am a nerd, and now that I have a Dreamcast again my soul aches for Skies.
skies of arcadia,
video games