Title this: "Valentine Application"
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Do you Drive:
May I Call You:
Single or Taken:
Would You Date Me:
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Area 2:
What would you do if I...
I made a move on you:
I lived next door to you:
I started smoking:
I asked you on a date:
I ran
Read more... )
Age: 18
Height: 5'3" / 160cm
Do you Drive: No
School: Elmwood Park High School
Grade: Junior / 11th
May I Call You: Yes
Single or Taken: Taken
Would You Date Me: I am.
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Area 2:
What would you do if I...
I made a move on you: What kind of move?
I lived next door to you: I'd probably be there all the fucking time.
I started smoking: Poke you until you stopped.
I asked you on a date: Immediately respond with yes! Where? When? and What should I wear?
I ran away from home: Hide you in my room.
I got into a fight and you weren't there?: Seek vengeance.
I asked you out? I would have definately said yes.
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Area 3:
What do you think about my...
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Have you ever....
Lied to make me feel better? Yes, just a tiny bit.
Wanted to kiss me? Yes.
Wanted to kill me? Not that I can remember.
Kept something important from me? Yes, but I'm not really sure how important it is.
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"X" marks the spot
[x]Kiss me..
[x]Hug me..
[x]Date me..
[xxxxxxxxx]Love me..
[ ]Hate me..
[x]Hold me..
[I try not to]Lie to me..
[ ]Hurt me..
[x]Sing with me..
[x]Dance with me..
[I do not grind]Grind with me..
[x]Cuddle with me..
[x]Let me make a move on you..
[x]Make a move on me..
[x]Watch a movie with me..
[x]Get me a B-day gift..
[x]Let me borrow your car..
[x]Be there for me..
[x]Bring me around your friends..
[x]Give me a massage..
[x]Hangout with me...
[x]Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good..
[x]Hold hands with me..
[x]Do something incredibly sweet for me..
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