-_- yay hormones.

Jul 25, 2009 04:07

Dear Hormones-

I know I carry that chromosome that makes me develop mammary glands...if that's what you can call these lumps the genetic gods have decided to mock me with... and I know that my uterus is an amusement park for my hormones to run rampant in once a month, but honestly do you have to mess up everything else?

It's not fair. I know, I know life ain't fair but jeeze. Let me have some dignity. Crying over sappy songs? Crying over epic metal songs? It's not like I'm listening to country here. No one's dog died, didn't lose the wife, the house or the truck. Hell even the pig is in the pen.

I mean MOST women get bitchy, moody and generally obnoxiously snarly and catty. Me? Nope. I turn the opposite! I think it's cause I'm supposedly bitchy twenty five days out of the month, it's got to make up the rest of the damn Meridith Brooks song. I'm a bitch (25 days) I'm a lover, I'm a blah blah I'm a mother... (but only for 4-6 days) ...

Please to be stopping the emotional roller coaster. Most people think I'm nuts already. Hormones do not need to reaffirm their beliefs.

Kthx for listening.

The owner of a hormonal roller coaster.

pms, hormones

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