Fandom brain!

Mar 08, 2014 20:43

6149 / 10000 words ( Read more... )

characters, fandom, my writing, my stories, writing

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Comments 2

izhilzha March 9 2014, 18:34:30 UTC
I resolved my fandom brain by moving to LA to write TV scripts. :D

Not even joking. It really helps; right now I'm writing a Bones spec, and the rest of my brain feels free to work on a very personally important screenplay. It's lovely--I feel like my creativity has finally begun how to really work in sync.

I wish you all the best in working out your own fandom brain!


Re: rose_in_shadow March 10 2014, 00:28:35 UTC
Ah, but writing fanfic (though I guess it can't be called that once you turn legit) as a pro isn't something I can do! No fair, Iz! ;)


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