
Mar 01, 2014 08:40

2900 / 10000 words. 29% done!

I think that keeping myself to a weekly posting update might help with my writing consistency. Also with remembering to keep track of my word counts. We’ll see how this goes.

This week wasn’t very good. I wrote four out of seven days, which is below my average. I wasn’t very good at keeping track of my word count this week either. I always forget to start writing in a different colored font so I can find it later. So this progress bar should be taken with a grain of salt as it’s a rough estimate.

But Sunday is the start of a new week. I’ll do better.

I’ve been listening to a lot of the Writing Excuses podcast lately, especially the archives. I just love this podcast. Lots of interesting and practical tidbits from professionals in the industry and one of them is my current favorite author. They have a knack of giving hope to the writer like me who isn’t yet published but hopes to be so one day. It’s much better therapy than thinking about Veronica Roth who’s in her twenties and has a movie deal for her books already, or a girl I graduated with who not only managed to get married and have a baby, but also wrote eight books in the meantime.

Back when I did my 40-day run of writing everyday, I learned that “butt in chair, hands on keyboard” is one of the best pieces of writing advice I’ve ever heard. Thinking about writing isn’t actually writing. To write, I actually have to sit down and focus on it. And I learned that beginning is the the absolute hardest thing about writing for me. It feels like my car these days in winter. Turn the key and the engine doesn’t turn over immediately, it complains and stutters and the oil is half frozen so everything is moving slowly. But once it does start and the engine heats up, everything is gravy. I’ve found the same with writing. Once I get over the enormous hurdle of starting, I can actually put down some content. I won’t pretend that it’s great content, but it’s something to start from at any rate when I go back for revisions.


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