Entertainment round up

Mar 04, 2012 12:50

Time for another entertainment post to take my mind off March 6th and the fact that I won't have the game until the 8th most likely. ;____;

TV: Still working on Seinfeld. Not really invested in it, but I've laughed a little more. I still don't really look forward to watching it. So why am I still watching it? Good question ( Read more... )

gaming, tl;dr, books, tv shows, characters, reading, movies

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Comments 4

arysani March 5 2012, 17:37:31 UTC
Re: Castle UST - I think I'm worried about them going the Booth-and-Bones route, where they do a disservice to the characters with the implication that they will not be able to separate their personal and professional lives AND that they don't respect each other enough to treat THIS relationship, which has been building for so long, differently than their previous relationships. I kind of HATE how much they're making Bones backpedal in her development in order to "prove" there's still the potential for PROBLEMS. I wanted to throw things at my TV, I was so mad ( ... )


rose_in_shadow March 5 2012, 22:58:08 UTC
re: Castle - I hope the writers don't do that. I'm unfamiliar with Bones, but your trepidation makes me worried. D:

Skyrim... yeah, I just can't right now. I'm too ME3 ME3 KAIDAN KAIDAN ME3 ME3 right now. I'm sure I'll go back to it at some point, at least for the 'cheevos. And, yeah, Skyrim IS long-winded. lol

Mockingjay pins? *____*


arysani March 6 2012, 00:20:03 UTC
Re: Castle/Bones - they had created two people who respected and understood each other, including quirks, issues, and history, and once they got together, suddenly Bones didn't understand how much Booth needed to be involved in the lives of his children, and in the life of the woman HAVING his child, and how important marriage is to him, even though all these things have been Things We Know About Booth from SEASON ONE of the show which is now in its EIGHTH season. (Or maybe it's 7th, still. A LOT OF SEASONS.) Frustrated me to NO END ( ... )


rose_in_shadow March 6 2012, 00:48:39 UTC
re: Castle/Beckett - yes and yes. I think the writers are headed in the right direction. I think they just don't want to rush it and then ruin it. But like you said, there's no reason why they can't have a good working relationship. I hope that's how it ends up.

I have yet to touch the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests. Oy. Lots to do.


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