I've forgotten what a time vacuum the Fallout series is. For two days in a row, I've put it in, intending to play an hour - maybe two tops - and then suddenly it was time for bed.
Guess I'll have to revert to the timer on my phone. If something kicks me out of playing and makes me actually think for a minute, I'm usually lucid enough to stop and come back to the real world.
Still debating on whether or not to pick up the FalloutNV DLC. I don't want it as much as I do DA2 DLC, so maybe if I build up enough points from Bing Rewards, I'll buy the Fallout DLC for "free"? Hmm. I rather wish now that I'd waited to buy FalloutNV until the GOTY edition comes out with all the DLC on a disc.
arysani made me want to play The Force Unleashed. May have to break down and rent it at least once....
Anyway. Onto other topics.
Fall TV
Castle - the season premier was lovely. Nothing real surprising, but I loved to see everyone back. Again, I'm wondering how long the writers can draw out the UST between Castle and Beckett without it becoming too forced? But I've been saying that since season 1 and have yet to get tired of it. Then again, what will happen once the inevitable happens and they hookup? I've heard that some shows die, loose their fizzle once the romance that everyone wants to happen happens. I don't want that to happen to Castle. I genuinely enjoy the mysteries and the stories of the side characters (specially the mom and daughter characters). It's such a refreshing show from other crime dramas I've seen.
Person of Interest - The pilot wasn't flashbang amazing or edge-of-my seat exciting, but I'm going to keep watching because, man is Jim Cavizel worth watching and Michael Emerson is just a top notch actor. Plus, it's nice to have a show about helping people that isn't a police or medical drama.
Other than the upcoming fairy-tale one ("Once upon a time" I think?) on ABC, I haven't heard of any other fall show that has piqued my interest. I have Northanger Abby from Netflix still to watch and I might also start Lost up again.