Writing group

Jul 18, 2010 20:24

I decided to start a writing/critique group over the weekend for the few of my friends in the area that are creatively minded. I'd been thinking about joining one, but I'm shy in situations like that - plus there's always the disadvantage of joining a group that might already have a good rapport. This actually happened to me when I tried to join a Bible study from another church - they were very friendly and welcoming, but they way they interacted it was clear they all knew each other and I was still a relative stranger.

So, yeah, did want to go through that with a writing group. Plus, as a Christian, I tend to have religious themes in my writing. I'm not sure if a secular writing group would dislike those references, but... it's a fine line to balance. Luckily, with the people I've assembled, I'm sure we'll be able to talk about faith and doubt and all that other good meaty stuff without anyone judging anyone. I'm super excited... now the only hurdle to overcome is when and how to meet.

faith, writing

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