Grammar grinch alert

Oct 03, 2006 20:01

Dear literate population of America:

I'm as guilty as the next person of leaving dangling particples where everyone can see them and commas and I have a love/hate relationship, but still, basic grammar is necessary so please learn to use the apostrophe. It's not very hard. Aprostrophes help us make contractions (do not=don't) and show posession of objects, not number of objects. For example, when I was just speaking of "apostrophes" plural in the previous sentence, there is no apostrophe! Amazing! Jill's dog, John's book, Aunt Martha's beard, are all appropriate uses of apostrophes.

Granted, its and it's are exceptions, but since they are the only exceptions to the rule, they shouldn't be too hard to remember. Its shows posession (i.e. Its collar isn't straight.), but it's is a contraction of it and is (i.e. "It's time for pie!")

Yours sincerely,

Grammar Grinch

In other news, good quotable from Sword of Gryffindor post today:

We’re all just as skeptical as Harry is that “love” is “the power the Dark Lord knows not.” I mean, how? Harry’s going to say, “Voldy, I love you,” and the poor bloak is just going to crumple into a pile of tears and melt away like the Wicked Witch?

“Oh, Harry! No one’s ever said that to me before! I’m melting! I’m melting!”



Lookie at the shiny new camera I'm buying! *squees*

harry potter, shinies, irritations

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