So. Tired. Incredibly long day at work and worthy of one of
kalquessa's snarky "dear client" letters, but I don't have the energy to work one up. It would be bitter and not very funny anyway. So instead, here are my random things for the day:
Pat Robertson says God warned him of tsunami.
Someone stop him. Please.
Total LOST squee. *bounces in anticipation*
Also, everyone's up for the Da Vinci Code that starts tomorrow... guess what I say to that? *YAWN*
However, if you are in an active frame of mind and have nothing better to do try the othercott.
I found the idea online, thought it was a good idea and a good excuse to see a decent movie. Instead of boycotting the "Da Vinci Code", how about an othercott?
What is it you may ask? Here's the answer:
"An Other-cott, in which Christians all over the world flex our consumer dollars by supporting an alternate project on the weekend that The Da Vinci Code opens. It's a strategy that is smart, because it understands that the main thing that impacts Hollywood is money. It's also satisfying, because it gives us something to do beside sitting on the side-lines whining and complaining because we don't have the power to do something."
(read more
Also, this morning I heard a quote clip from Tom Hanks that I thought really was something Christians need to hear: "Our sins have been taken away, not our brains."
For that, I can almost forgive his ridiculous hair cut.