Yay iTunes! I got home from work around 5:30 pm and the "Taking a Break from All Your Worries" episode of BSG was already available. I've watched it once.
I'm not feeling analytical right now... okay, I'm *usually* not feeling analytical, but it's particularly strong after this episode.
Seeing into the tortured thoughts of Gaius Baltar? Not an attractive idea. Really. (Plus, I have needle-phobia in a big way. Eeek!)
To be more specific, it just felt too easy that so many of Baltar's inner thoughts were revealed so quickly. I guess he's less like an onion, more like a... twinkie.
I'm irked that Gaeta had that little tell about the camera. It doesn't seem in character. Although why should it matter that there's a camera? Baltar thinks he's all-important, so of course a camera is going to record him. *is annoyed*
Grrrr. I know others have made this comparison before, but I never really felt it until today. Anders was a doormat. Kara was dumb. Lee was... sorta not dumb. Maybe possibly. Shocking, I know. And Kara? You don't have to be with either one, y'know? You could take some time off from relationships. Go fly ships and torture nuggets for a while.
Anders being analytical about destinies and such? Scary. Heh.
On the plus side: Papadama actually made eye contact with Roslin. They spoke! He didn't glare! Aw, Mom & Dad are getting along again. That's a definite improvement.
What did Gaius say to Felix? Should I know that already? (Was it, you were allowed to pass along information and survive because you're a cylon?) Way cool that Gaeta was so hardcore ready to kill him. Pens! My favorite weapon! whee!
Fascinating that Baltar is able to get under Gaeta's skin so fast. It's a new thing but it totally works with the dynamic we've seen before between the two of them. (I'm stealing this label from someone on TWoP: Gaeta's my nancy-boy cylon. I ♥ him.)
Even though I wasn't thrilled with the idea of the Baltar-brainwhip, I did like the part at the end of his hallucination, with unidentified victims surrounding his tank.
Also, really in character that Baltar was ready to die, to kill himself even, but then... not so much. Survival is step one; as long as he has that, he'll find some way to make things work in his favor. (That "cosmic cockroach" icon I keep seeing, with a picture of Leoben, should totally be remade with Baltar.)
I kept expecting to see Sharon and Helo putting Hera to bed during that lullaby teaser. Interesting that we didn't see them. I wonder if it was planned that way, or just cut later? ChipSix never seemed the lullaby type to me. Nice creepy touch. I'm glad ChipSix is still scary... very scary.
Roslin throwing a fake hissy fit is more terrifying than I could ever dream of being at my teachery evil-est moment. Woohoo!
Gonna post this now before I accidentally get thinky or sumthin'...