Sam the Eagle > me

May 22, 2008 17:44

I've been continuing the Angel rewatch. It was going slowly until this week, when grading papers and other real-life stuff made me watch way more. So: season three is still pretty awesome except for the finale. Ascencion? Cordy? Really? I'm not sure whether the 'bigger picture' always had her coming back from boring paradise as a tool for evil, but either way, it's just not my favorite story.

Season four really pings with the Lilah/Wesley relationship. Gah, I LOVE watching those two. I actually feel vaguely guilty about it, but something about those two together just... makes me lose words, heh. They're snarky and enemies and sexy. Almost makes up for having to watch Connor and Cordelia. Ick.

We're about to get to the really depressing stuff, which will then be followed by Faith (yay!).

I really need to read some good books, though. I started Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende, but stopped. I started Pyramids by Terry Pratchett and stopped. I haven't tried any other books by Allende--I'm guessing I might like others better. As for Pratchett, that's the first time I didn't finish one of his books. Maybe I should try some non-fiction--I have recs galore thanks to people like siljamus and I have a $25 gift certificate for Amazon.

On a reading-related note: I don't watch Supernatural. I never have. I know there are two brothers named Sam and Dean. They're Buffy--er, they fight evil demons yadda yadda yadda. I'm getting to the reading part, don't worry. Here's a crossover fic--Muppets, Sam and Dean. What Kind of Day Has It Been? by musesfool. So fun, even though I know nothing more about the Supernatural characters than what I just said. Oh, that and the show gets linked to fandom_wank ALL THE TIME, which doesn't exactly want to make me watch.

eta: vonniek compiled a list of fic recs for Iron Man here.

fic rec, tv, bsg, books

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