ongoing 'Lost' post

May 08, 2008 20:50

Is it Friday night yet? No?

Lost this week is called 'Cabin Fever.'

I think the Lost promo monkeys do a much better job with the 'coming next week' sequences than the BSG crew. Or maybe I just care a whole lot more about BSG.

Also, how does anyone even watch Grey's Anatomy? I'm annoyed by the last five minutes, much less a whole episode.

Okay, show's on: Fifties, rebellious teen hit by car, gives birth prematurely to a baby she wants to name John.

On to John Locke, whose faith in the cabin disturbs me a lot. Hurley and Ben and Locke going in circles. Heh.

Desmond and Sayid, yay! Doctor dude is still alive on the boat, interesting. 'Kevin' is in a lot of trouble with the returning mercenary crew, but the gun misfires and Michael is left alive.


Locke wakes up to sound of chopping wood, finds guy in Dharma jumpsuit. Horace--he's been dead for twelve years, he says. Things jump in time and John Locke really wakes up with a sense of where to go.

Ben: "I used to have dreams." Heh.

Back to the fifties, and Emily runs away from her baby John in the incubator. Creepy Richard with his creepy eyeliner stares at Mrs. Locke and the baby through a window.

Hurley gets to 'meet' the remains of the Dharma Initiative. All corpses, thanks to Ben a few years ago.


Young kid John fails Richard's test for his 'special school' by picking a knife. (I knew the knife would be chosen by him. Duh.)

Adult John crawls around the corpses of the D.I. Ben and Hurley have an amusing chat about the unkillableness (what, it's a totally valid word!) of John.

Locke finds the cabin plans inside dead Horace's jumper.

Mercenary guy on boat grabs the captain's (?) key for the safe. The captain is now worried by merc guy's frank admissions about torching the island. Captain agrees to let Sayid and Desmond have the 'zodiak' boat to ferry people off the island.

Desmond still has his blue shirt with only two buttons. *stares*


John 'tries' to send Hurley away, but he chooses to stay. Ben appreciates the deviousness of this--John acts like he's sincere. Hm.

Teenage John fights against his 'destiny' of becoming a scientist--he wants to be an outdoorsman.

Kevin and chopper pilot chat--pilot seems surprised that Kimi (sp?) might have bad intentions. In the meantime, what's Kimi doing, strapping stuff to his (v. nice, muscular) body?

Desmond sends Sayid off alone. Awww... Ooooo, season one climbing music!


Ben says there are consequences to being chosen, that destiny is a fickle bitch.

Hugo finds cabin. Dun dun dun!

Flashback to John in rehab, paralyzed. The 'orderly' is the creepy bald black man, who tells John to go on a walkabout, and that they'll meet again.

Mercenary crew gets ready to move out. Chopper pilot gets cold feet and the doctor and captain are killed in short order. So: chopper pilot agrees to fly them after all.


Chopper passes over beach, drops off tracking device.

Ben doesn't go in cabin, says his time is over. Hurley chooses to wait outside too. Heh. Locke goes in--it's Christian Shepherd, Jack's dad! And Claire--hah, that fits the theory that she actually died in the attacks on the houses a bit ago. Anyway, Christian tells John to ask the important question, so he does:
"How do I save the island?"

Hurley snacks, gives half to the psycho killer Ben. Good thinking, dude! John comes out and tells them they need to move the island.

Yup. This show is still crazy.


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