hugs for everyone!

Oct 28, 2007 16:16

daybreak777 and I were chatting about fanfic again. I have come to the conclusion that five-times fics are my great white whale. I struggle with making them compelling. I think it's the change in POV... or something. I don't know what. Also, my inability to write shippy-fic remains strong--Daybreak challenged me to write hugs, and I wrote two, but they're both very, very gen. And shmoopy, but that's sort of expected in hug-fic, right?

First and foremost, Felix needs a hug. Really.

Felix was walking out of the hangar deck as quickly as he could without attracting more attention. Even though the word had spread since his near-death that he'd been instrumental in the Resistance, too many people still looked at him with bitterness in their eyes. Almost to the hatch, he paused when he heard his name.

"Mister Gaeta!" The voice was piercing, impossible to ignore. Slowly he turned around. Specialist Cally was striding toward him, quick long steps for such a petite woman. Felix wondered what she wanted--her face was intent. Arriving in front of him, she started to speak, a bit out of breath. "Galen told me what you did for us." Her voice cracked. "Our Nicky still has a dad and mom, thanks in part to you. Thank you," she whispered, and flung her arms around him. Felix stayed still for a moment, then took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around her in return. He thought he felt her trembling, then realized it was him. They stood together by the hatch until someone walked past them. Pulling away, he smiled at Cally, feeling embarrassed but lighter than he had in... he didn't know how long. Then he turned and continued walking back to C.I.C.

I always thought that the idea of the baby farms on Caprica was even creepier than the episode had time to demonstrate. So Jean Barolay needs a hug too.

"Can't sleep?" Sam's voice was hushed, in deference to those asleep nearby.

"No. You either, huh?" She was sitting against the wall, blankets wrapped loosely around her. He walked over and sat next to her, grabbing some of the covers and then wincing dramatically when she thumped his shoulder.

"I know how much you love to share your stuff." He grinned, teeth gleaming in the dim light.

"Yeah, about as much as you like to lose."

Silence settled around them comfortably as they huddled together in the cool air. "So what's keeping you awake? Other than, you know, death, destruction and the end of the world." His fingers were holding on to a military dog tag around his neck. Must've been given to him by that blonde pilot before she left.

She pulled her legs in and wrapped her arms around her knees. "Remember how I told you about meeting that blond male cylon, Leoben?"


"I was just thinking that if I hadn't shot him right away, that could've been me. At the farm, hooked up up to a machine. Gods, I'm so glad that wasn't me. And then I feel guilty, because Sue-Shaun..." Her voice trailed off.

"Hey. We're all going to miss her, but you can't feel guilty because you're alive and she's not. We'd all go We'd go crazier."

She let out a small laugh that sounded more like a sob; he leaned in and tugged her toward him, cradling her head on his shoulder. Jean wasn't the type to embrace, but she didn't pull away. They sat like that in the dark room, legs entangled, Anders' breath warm against her neck. Alive... she was glad to be alive.

eta very important question: How do you get people's icons to appear in text without putting the picture into photobucket? Some of you have done those memes about user icons, so I know you know how to do it! I think I figured it out, but whoa, it's annoyingly complicated. Hm.

myfic, bsg

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