Getting closer to the end of the semester, and I AM SO TIRED. Particularly tired of grading papers, but also just generally tired.
Anyway. Aside from the problems of having one character named Jennifer and another character named Jessica (why?! they're too similar and I get confused!), I enjoyed the romance novel Beard Science by Penny Reid. Too many sex scenes near the end, but then again I'm the type of reader who often skims sex scenes anyway. I very much enjoyed the character growth in the heroine and hero, and the humor usually worked for me. So consider this a moderately enthusiastic recommendation. (I bought it because it was one of the deals of the day. So my recommendation includes not having paid full price.)
I watched a short series of
character trailers for The Witcher; its first season is available December 20 on Netflix. It looks like a fairly standard fantasy epic set in fantasy Europe: the people are pretty and mostly white. I am curious enough to give the first episode a try during Winter break. After the grading... and grading... and grading...
Season four of The Expanse is now on Amazon, but I'm still rewatching season two. I think that's what I'll continue to do, at least until Winter break. I probably won't rewatch all of season three; just the first half.
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