I think I posted about this on friendslock earlier this year: there's a second cat in my home now. He's young--about a year old, the vet said. And he is not at all like my other cat, who is now seventeen.
So: any ideas on how to keep a young and active cat happy? He can't play with the older cat for several reasons, including that she simply wants nothing to do with him. Letting him outside unsupervised is a good way to end up with dead cat around here; NextDoor is happy to tell me just how many coyote, bobcat and sick fox sightings there have been in my area. (To be clear: only one sighting of a sick fox. Regular sightings of coyotes and bobcats, though.) Also, while I would have no problem with fewer rabbits--they eat my garden!--I feel less pleased with the thought of dead birds.
The last time I had young cats, there were two of them; they played with each other. I'm not sure how I feel about taking in yet another cat, but it might be the route to take. On the other hand, this young cat has to have a special diet; it would be difficult to have another cat in the home and keep him away from their food.
Posted at Dreamwidth:
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