long story short... (adios, Tumblr)

Oct 12, 2019 13:02

Last weekend my church did its semi-annual worldwide broadcast in lieu of the usual Sunday meetings. I watched most of the sessions with a notebook in hand and tried to consider not only what was being said by church leaders to a worldwide audience, but what I feel in my own heart that God wants for me. And--this may seem like a strange conclusion to anyone who isn't me--I decided that it's time to stop using Tumblr. I've had a lot of fun and even learned quite a bit on that particular social media site, but I know that for myself, it can be a colossal waste of time.

As it turned out, this week was one minor catastrophe after another, and I was so busy that not using Tumblr was a tremendous boon to my time management. I accomplished some things that were a help to sick co-workers and to some kids in need, and if I'd been distracted by using Tumblr, I might not have even thought to do some of those things. At least, not in a time frame that allowed me to actually get them done. So there's that.

I need to figure out exactly what "not using Tumblr" looks like for me. I know there are a few things I want to keep for later; for example, I signed up to write a gift exchange fanfic for The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) again, and I have some posts about characterization for the leads of the film that I would hate to lose forever. So I'll probably put those over here sometime soon-ish. Maybe a few other posts as well.

After that, I guess the question is: delete my tumblr account and never look back? Delete it and re-create one with the same username (but now empty) so that the porn bots and other scammers can't claim my username? Leave everything there and just sign out for good?

Posted at Dreamwidth: https://rose-griffes.dreamwidth.org/320359.html. Comment where you wish.

church, tumblr

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