movies and a miss and a who knows?

Jan 23, 2019 20:11

Aquaman is almost as shallow as a pond, but it's so splashy and pretty that who cares?! It's an unapologetic B movie, and I had a great time watching it.

On the Basis of Sex doesn't do any genre-surpassing or genre-bending, either. As a bio-pic about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's college experience and early-ish work toward gender equality in the US legal system, it manages to tell its story with few flourishes. But the woman who inspired the film is so interesting, and the actors were more than adequate, so thumbs up to it as well.

Armie Hammer as Martin Ginsburg was distractingly gorgeous, my goodness. It wasn't just me, either. A co-worker who saw it the same weekend as me told me that her very first comment after the end of the film was, "I didn't know they made 'em like that!" (Referring to Hammer and his stature and looks.)

TV: Halfway through the six episodes of season two of Call My Agent! and... I am Not Happy about what the writers are doing with Hicham Janowski. And with Andrea Martel. And with Andrea and Hicham, because really, show. There's no law that says that if you have a lesbian character on your show, you must have her sleep with a man at some point. And for it to be hate-sex at that: meh.

I'm hesitating about my qualms for the writing for Hicham (which mostly aren't connected to that sex scene), mostly because even though he's a regular cast member now, he's the newest one. So the storytelling may take him in directions that I like better; we'll see.

Almost forgot! I said I would report on the TV adaptation of The Passage. So far I'm thinking that it's fairly true to the book(s) in this key fashion: it is a mess. There's a lot of ground to cover, there are multiple storylines to balance, and it's all a bit wobbly right now.

What they've done spectacularly well is get me invested in Amy Bellafonte as a lead, and in Agent Brad Wolgast as her new father figure. Which is good--in the first book I was very attached to their relationship. So no verdict yet, other than I'll keep watching for the moment.

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movies, tv

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