time for toys and time for cheer

Dec 19, 2018 16:52

I'm in the usual frenzy of grading now that the semester is rapidly drawing to a close. Thankfully the checkoff list requiring signatures is smaller than in years past, so I can spend more time trying to grade rather than trying to fulfill an obscure requirement so that someone else can initial my checkoff list.

Still importing some of my original posts from tumblr. This one from two years ago was about Person of Interest. It's short, so I'll just copy the text.

It’s possible to appreciate that Person of Interest didn’t resort to the “Kill your lesbians (and bisexual women)” trope to deal with Sarah Shahi’s unexpected pregnancy--keeping the character of Shaw alive even without knowing whether she would return during the show’s run--and still acknowledge that Carter’s death played into the trope that characters of color are somehow more affected by bullets than white characters.

I can be grateful that the show hasn’t erased the impact Carter’s death made on the characters, and still be angry at the bad writing that framed her death.

I’m impressed that Person of Interest made a canon f/f ship that includes a woman of color. That doesn’t make PoI’s ongoing problems with people of color disappear. One form of positive representation doesn’t trump the absent and negative representations.

Posted at Dreamwidth: https://rose-griffes.dreamwidth.org/298326.html. Comment where you wish.

tumblr imports, person of interest

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