More Yuletide recs coming up, but first a quick show rec. The Bletchley Circle is a three-episode show by ITV1 (British, but not BBC). Its heart is four women who worked at Bletchley Park during World War II. Nine years after the war, they end up working together to solve a series of murders. It's good--not great, but compelling. I enjoyed it. You can
watch it on Youtube. (It's basically a three-episode procedural. Not quite as grim as an episode of CSI, but that same quality is there at times.)
- So my first rec is for The Bletchley Circle, a story for Susan after everything that happened. Day by Day
- Elementary: let yourself be found, Joan Watson adjusting to life with Sherlock.
- Anne of Green Gables: Be Fruitful Anne and Gilbert welcome their first grandchildren to the world.
- The Bourne Supremacy: all the more reason Pamela Landy has a midnight visitor.
- The Incredibles: the greatest good Helen (Elastigirl) Parr throughout her life.
- Matilda (Roald Dahl) Hopes and Fears and Fidgets Four things Matilda wanted to be when she grew up, and one thing she became.
As far as I can recall, none of these fics required any special warnings, or had higher ratings than PG.
In unrelated news, I just spent three hours learning how not to play "Settlers of Catan" with three of my nephews.
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