liveblogging: that's a thing I do (er, rarely, but that's okay)

Oct 04, 2012 20:09

Person of Interest 2.02 "Bad Code", with me typing during the commercials...

I love injury continuity (Reese's face)
Fusco 'gets' to babysit Bear. Heh.

Only one room left in the Texas hotel: wow, that is such a cliché. I love it.
Arg, the accents are bit over the top. At least they're not horribly wrong, though.

Root crazies in Harold's vicinity. Oh hi, Weeks.

Finch: "You don't know anything about me." Why does anyone say this on the show? He should know better.


Hanna likes 'Oregon Trail'.
Ominous glances from fellow teens at the library.

Carter's hair is v. pretty.
She goes on a trash dig.

Reese visits a bar. It goes as expected.
Bank account set up in 1993 in Hanna's name.

Root to Harold: "You think I was damaged? Some childhood trauma? That’s so sweet."


Sodium Pentathol for Weeks.

Hanna's bank account: probably money stolen from drug dealer.

Trent Russell might've taken young Hanna; so she named him co-signer on bank account and eventually someone connected the dots and killed him.

Russell's widow has a car in the garage with a license plate almost matching the one listed the night of Hanna's disappearance.

Weeks gets Finch's cooperation. Weeks then gets upper hand, which is not necessarily a good thing. Uh oh.


Flowers for Algernon sent to Russell family home each year.

Weeks: "I'm gonna let you go." Liar.

S'okay, though, Root zaps him.

John has a money lead, leading to a real location.

Sam Groves in library with Hanna. They're friends. Oh, Mrs. Russell. Oh. OH NO. :(

Root says she's the best partner (for Finch), the most fun. Harold tells her he'd rather be killed than continue to listen to her.

Hanna is dead. Root is actually Sam.


Wow, commercials are annoying. I haven't watched listened to them in ages.

Fusco links to the evidence-erasing guy's cell phone, gets a scoop on Weeks.

Root sedates Finch. She knows that someone tracked her money trail. "Hope you like trains." Root also gets a bit of intel from Weeks before shooting him. I'm not heartbroken about Denton's death.

FINCH LEFT A CODE! Awesome. And so Reese gets to the train station, Root tries to do her 'hurt the innocent as punishment' act, Finch helps avert that, and then Root gets away. But at least Finch is free.

Hee, Fusco calls Reese Wonder-Boy. Carter and Fusco are going to go for drinks.

Bear meets Finch. Not an auspicious beginning. Sorry, rare book. Root calls to thank Reese for finding her friend Hanna, and then we flash back one last time to young Sam playing Oregon Trail, while the creepy Root music theme plays.

A solid episode; kept me engaged the whole time. I wonder what Root might find as she trails the people investigating Denton's death?

Hm. Maybe more thoughts tomorrow. Time to get back to work stuff, meh. (Almost caught up. Sooooo close.)

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person of interest

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