links: stuff I wrote (catching up on ALL THE THINGS!)

Apr 01, 2012 21:04

Yikes, time to turn off the computer. Been playing catch-up on some things and delving without any real reason into others. Here's the round-up from this weekend.

My recap of Ultraviolet 1.04 'Mea Culpa'. If you're wanting to catch up on the rewatch, it's not like these posts are going anywhere...

Person of Interest:
A (thorough??) round-up of potential leaks about Carter's link to Reese. There are a few people who could make that connection for the FBI, but not as many as I thought.

Hey, look, there's Donnelly from 1.13 'Root Cause.' Nice casting continuity, show.

I wrote fic this morning: Burn, Carter talking to Donnelly again. PG, 900+ words.

On to my other fandom with an ex-CIA agent with implausible skills: I put a review of Missing 1.03 on Tumblr. Eh, I'll just repost it here.

Good forward momentum on this episode, in spite of some predictable moves.

I’m wondering if this is going to be Mary’s only plot-involved appearance or if she’ll be back again. At any rate, her getting taken is not at all surprising, yet… what are ya gonna do? It’s a logical move on the part of the opposition-whatever that group is-to use any kind of leverage they can obtain.

The other easily-guessed action was the blonde lawyer’s death. Pretty obvious that Becca wasn’t ever the shooter’s target, in spite of the use of pronouns instead of names during that phone conversation in which mysterious guy ordered the hit.

Edited to add: oh, and the diamonds in the wooden box?! Why weren’t they better hidden, so that the person on guard wouldn’t be tempted to take them? Ah well.

The pleasant surprise was Michael’s story line. It was compelling, and the actor playing Michael has a nicely sympathetic presence. It helps that Michael isn’t written strictly as a pawn-he’s smart and as pro-active as he can be in the situation. I’m also pleased that he didn’t fall for Oksana’s move at the end, nor did he do anything to further blame her.

I had to smile at all of the squeaky floors inside the (Russian?) villa. Reminded me of some of the places I’ve visited in Europe. Old wooden floors do, in fact, squeak quite a lot.

Reference to Sean Bean Paul! So now we have “Who killed my husband?!” to look forward to, in addition to “Where is my son?!”

What’s Becca gonna do with a bunch of old war diamonds, by the way?

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

person of interest, ultraviolet (tv), links, tv, missing (tv)

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