Person of Interest 1.18 "Identity Crisis"

Mar 31, 2012 08:38

Person of Interest this week: I watched all of those sneak peeks the network gave us ahead of time, and then I wasn't able to enjoy those scenes quite as much within the episode. Okay, the soaking-wet Finch scene was still every bit as funny, but the rest? I should just wait and watch the scenes in context, perhaps.

Episode 1.18 didn't feature any crying John Reese or traumatized me, but I quite liked it. My thoughts after watching the first time:

*That was thoroughly enjoyable.
*Reese's understated amusement at soaked Finch returning from Hester's apartment was just the BEST.
*I do love me a villain with a Clever Plan. Yay, Jordan/Mary/Tara!

*Heeeeee, Finch. "I like your face sideways."
*Yay, Fusco!
*Interesting, the real Jordan Hester's choice about the identity theft. Out of utter frustration, no doubt. Making the appointment to go to the lab, googling how to manufacture E, how to shoot, planning how to destroy the lab. Awesome.

*FBI agent Donnelly comes across as ethical and determined, as opposed to Snow, who comes across as utterly creepy and amoral.
*Reese working for Elias: yeah, I can see why they'd draw that conclusion. Carter would know some reasons to be less certain of that, but she can't exactly say that without bringing everything down.
*I'll admit, the writers did more to address the question of why Carter might consider getting back in contact with Reese and Finch than I thought they would.

So I watched a second time as usual, but since I've got a lot of things on my to-do list for today, I'm not going to write about every single second. Here are some observations starting midway through...

Reese identified the MDMA lab on sight. Interesting. Fits with his recognition of L.O.S. as part of the CIA's drug-cartel. Also, Reese is now listening in on Finch?! He called right after Finch engaged in conversation with faux Jordan at the bookstore. Hm. Maybe he listens in when Finch is trying to tail people, since that isn't Finch's forte.

Harold Crow, P.I. I'm glad he had a cover story, but he's still no good at following someone unnoticed.

"Have you ever hit bottom?" asks the real Jordan Hester. OH, I DUNNO, LET'S LET REESE THINK ABOUT THIS QUESTION FOR A MOMENT. HEEEEE!

Reese to the real Jordan Hester: "It's a terrible plan. But I like it. So let's do it." This does not surprise me at all.

Finch to Reese on the phone: "Never been alrighter. But I might've been outfoxed." I was highly amused at Finch dancing around faux Hester's apartment, both by the flowers and in front of the microwave. (And wikipedia says that this is plausible behavior for someone on Ecstasy. Ooh, hey, a writer actually did some kind of research for the episode!)

Real Hester's absolutely horrified face when Reese kneecaps one of the baddies--I totally concur, real Hester. Hee.

Real Jordan resembles my youngest brother. It's disconcerting.
Carter meets with Special Agent Donnelly, and he has some interesting things to say. Such as, "We can't have rogue government hitmen operating on domestic soil." Indeed...

Donnelly offers to give her support. I wonder if he'll run this through official channels? Unless Donnelly is way more devious than he appears right now, I'd say he doesn't know that Carter has been working with Reese. (I'm still fairly certain that Snow knows. Or at least strongly suspects.)

eta: Donnelly mentioned meeting Carter while working the Delancey case--the same actor was indeed in "Root Cause."

Huh, wouldn't that NYPD task force supposedly created to find Reese be the logical group to contact? (SHOCKING that PoI would ignore something it wrote earlier in the season. I'm ever so surprised! *snickers*)

Finch to Fusco, after Fusco hands him a laptop: "You wanna hack the Pentagon?" Bwahaha!

Fusco's characterization as the go-along guy continues. He likes being the good guy, but now he's got this loyalty to Reese so he doesn't do more than, uh, whine. Which isn't really the word I want to use, because he's not actually complaining about being overworked--instead this is his way of saying that he'd rather be doing the good cop work, I believe. I don't think that means he misses the importance of what Reese is having him do by working undercover with HR, by the way. But... yeah. Tough being Fusco.

French-fry stealing Fusco! I don't think Reese was eating them anyway. Have we seen him do anything other than drink alcohol or coffee? Like, an actual bite of food anywhere?

Note to self for future reference: Carter and Fusco work at the 8th precinct.

I haven't seen the preview for next week's episode yet; it probably won't be online for a few more days. But from what I already know about who's in it, I'm very nervous about how certain plot elements are going to play out.

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