quick Fringe thought (stolen from elsewhere) and links

Mar 25, 2012 20:24

Okay, so while I was wasting time on Tumblr, someone pointed out that Olivia Dunham tracked down a conman in Iraq, bluffed him into helping her get his mentally ill father out of an institution, reopened the old lab and participated in a ridiculously dangerous science experiment. In the pilot episode. All this because she was in love with John Scott. So... fair point. I still don't like the wording she used as she expressed her desire to continue allowing these new/old memories to take over, but DOING IT ALL FOR LOVE does seem to be a Dunham theme. Hm.

Some links to stuff (some of which I wrote):
* My recap of Ultraviolet 1.03 'Sub Judice'. It's the "Vampires want babies?!" episode.
* Poco linked to the Not my ship comment ficathon, so I looked around at the lovely short stories...
* ... and then I wrote some Faith/Wesley post-finale fic. I've never written Angel or Buffy fic before, so that was unexpected. Also, Wes is a W&H-made zombie. Oh, and Faith expresses herself colorfully, so consider this your warning.

Posted at Dreamwidth: http://rose-griffes.dreamwidth.org/237323.html. Comment where you wish.

ultraviolet (tv), links, myfic, fringe

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