Fringe this week was called "The End of All Things" and even the title leads to this reaction from me: I AM SO VERY CONFUSED. Which Nina what where? Baby Henry's wrong baby mama? Henry the potential ancestor of future bald white guys??? I don't even know...
“What is a palimpsest?”
“Manuscript page from a scroll, or a book, from which the text has been scrapped off, which means it can be used again.”
Hmmmm.... *steeple fingers* Sounds vaguely familiar. Universal, even. Heh.
Here, have something semi-coherent: 1) September was surprisingly buff under that suit and 2) his mind is a very pretty place to hang out. A bit ridiculous, but hey. It's Fringe.
Finally, 3) This Very Important Question: WHY DOES PETER BISHOP STAY CLOTHED AND DRY WHEN HE GOES INTO SOMEONE ELSE'S MIND?! This is so not fair.
Person of Interest 1.16 didn't win my fannish adoration (except maybe the ending), so y'all don't get the COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS point by point episode overview that I've been writing lately. (And everyone heaves a sigh of relief.) Blah blah blah Wall Street, basically, so... onward! Theme of the week: rooftops! Which I find highly amusing for, uh, reasons.
Opening scene: basically Jim Caviezel stands there and makes annoyed faces for several minutes. And I WILL WATCH THAT SHOW.
Number of the week: wall street guy who worked his way up to his high-flying job. I'm pretty sure he hadn't actually forgotten his roots, so Reese taking him to the streets where he once lived as a 'safe' place came across as ham-handed. Stop poking me with sharp objects, show, I get the point. Money is bad! Unless you're Harold Finch, in which case you can have ALL THE MONEY EVER and it's okay. *laughs* Yeah... so that part didn't really work for me. Though I did like learning more about Reese's past.
Deliberately funny: Carter and Finch's scene in the taxi. He turned on the taxi meter. 'Cause he liiiiikes her. Hee! No, seriously. Remember the DEATH GLARE he gave her in "Super"? So much progress since then.
Other thoughts: just when I think they can't top themselves with the Batman references, we get the whole final scene. Reese and Carter on the roof--just like Batman and Commissioner Gordon, complete with exposition and with a slithery, semi-omniscient super-villain. Why semi-omniscient? Because Elias knew exactly what Carter would do: figure out that they're missing the SEC dude, go looking for him, spot Elias's fake cop smirking at the camera as he trashes the cell phone, retrieve that cell phone and give it to Reese instead of turning it in as evidence somewhere... yeah. Semi-omniscient.
So what is Elias going to talk to Reese about? Brag about how he still got money out of the deal before everything went kaboom? Seethe about Reese's connections messing up the secrecy aspect? Make sarcastic remarks about Reese's 'removal' of the hit order on Carter? Ask how to find good minions in a big city? Inquire about Zoe Morgan's favorite jazz records? I'd say I need to know, but clearly I'm having plenty of fun making up my own imaginary conversations.
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