Doctor Who: episodes 6.08 through 6.10

Sep 11, 2011 17:14

Still have a cold. Lazing around the house, falling asleep every time I try to read. Debating over work versus no work for tomorrow. Do I really want to get lesson plans ready for a substitute? I'm not sure I feel quite that awful. Then again, I'm not sure I feel good enough to talk all day long either.

Caught up on Doctor Who episodes:
6.08 "Let's Kill Hitler" was amazing in a brain-bending way. Young Amy and Rory--that's not quite how I pictured them getting together. Although this Amy who grew up with parents is not really the same Amy we knew in season five, is she? See? It's all confusing, and Mels/Melody Pond/River Song throwing herself into the mix makes it more so.

It was kind of awesome! But brain-bending!

The point at which I decided I would like the episode: when Rory repeats, "Putting Hitler in the cupboard. Cupboard. Hitler. Hitler. Cupboard." Hah!

And then there were wee little people inside the person/ship. "Remain calm while your life is extracted." *laughs* "We should go into surveillance mode. Let's faint."

And I really don't know what else to say. I just watched it yesterday and I'm still processing. River Song stalked her own parents throughout their/her childhood. (Presumably not her first go-around at childhood.) That's simply weird.

I loved Melody's reactions to her new body. We've seen the Doctor do it--get comically vain about his new bodies--so it was fun to see someone else have a turn.

And then Mels/Melody/River finally gets to meet the Doctor she's been maligning for years... and kills him... and saves him with her own remaining regenerations. Which is also okay, but I'm curious to see where we're going with all of this.

Episode 6.09 had nice pacing with the little boy who wasn't a human little boy. Scary. Rory and Amy are both quite the shriekers, aren't they?

6.10 had two Amys and was therefore doubly fantastic. Except for how we didn't get to actually keep the second Amy, which makes me sad. Older Amy made her armor out of the robots she killed! Apparently some people loved this episode and some hated it and I mostly quite liked it, except for how I was really afraid of having no Amys at all at one point or having no AmyandRory.

My own speculation about the Ponds: Rory and Amy have been through so much because of their time with the Doctor. Amy was kidnapped and 'lived' through a replicant body while she was actually pregnant. Rory had to choose between his contemporary wife and the version of her that had been alone for 36 years. Their baby Melody apparently will never be found as an infant and they'll only know her as Mels or River Song. They won't get to raise her, not really. *sniffles*

I love Team TARDIS with the Ponds, but I sort of hope that they'll choose to leave at the end of the season, on their own terms. Mostly because I'm sad for them and think they need a break.

Looks like I'll get to start watching episodes via again. At the beginning of season 6.0 Amazon didn't have Doctor Who available so I didn't even check when season 6.5 started. But baby brother just informed me that he's watching them through Amazon, so yay for that! (I did find other sources for watching, but I haven't stopped being nervous about it. Computer viruses and such. Plus I don't mind supporting the shows I like by paying a bit.)

Lastly: since I've been thinking about writing Martha and Mickey baby-fic, I sort of want to include a scene with the Doctor double-checking that they didn't actually conceive while traveling on the TARDIS... just 'cause it amuses me.

(Eleven: "You're sure you didn't conceive this baby while on the TARDIS?"
Martha: "Doctor, we haven't even seen you in over a year!")

(Oh dear. Possibly a Martha/Mickey time!baby story amuses me even more than just a baby story?!)

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