many links

Sep 08, 2011 19:59

My new personal livejournal goal: at least two public, non-whiny posts for every whiny, friendslocked post. (Because I don't want to see only wah wah wah when I'm logged in and looking at my own journal.)

First effort: links! Some found via my livejournal reading list, some from Pinterest, some from sources I can't recall.

style blogs
Girl with Curves. Exactly who she says she is. Lovely, confident woman, unafraid to show off her curves. I really love some of her fashion choices, in part because they're not only chic but look comfortable.

Pull Your Socks Up! This blog's second heading is "Growing old disgracefully." She's not going to go gently into that good night and wear demure, "age-appropriate" clothes.

What I Wore Today. I haven't yet worked up the nerve to try some of the pattern-mixing she does, but she looks like she's having lots of fun wearing those clothing combinations.

Dress with Courage, a newer style blog with a lot of fun, thrifted clothes.

I think part of the appeal of personal style blogs is that I can see what clothes look like on women who aren't built like fashion models.

craft and DIY blogs
(studs and pearls) has a lot of jewelry and accessory DIY posts--edgier work than a lot of the frilly flowerly blogs. (I like those, too.)

LIVLIG has some entries in Dutch (I think?), so try her DIY tag. Fashion, jewelry, home decor...

Chic Steals is a blast.

I can waste so much time reading these blogs... and then sometimes I just go and make some stylish new thing thanks to them, so I haven't been persuaded to stop blog-hopping yet.

Fandom-related: A tumblr titled Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor. Fun! Plus the women are generally more anatomically plausible than many drawings of fighting females.

Fanfiction next. (You can check the ratings and warnings yourself, right?)
fanfic: Harry Potter
The Anniversary, a Draco Malfoy fic that visits ten of the anniversaries of the battle of Hogwarts. I don't hate Draco, but I never thought I'd rec a fic about him. So go read it!

Cho Chang and the Jasmine Code: what Cho was doing after graduation from Hogwarts (she was a year ahead of Harry, remember?) before returning to the school.

Restitution Hasn't Come Quite Yet--a short but powerful and blunt look at Tonks.

We Are Tired of Your Discipline, Ginny's POV of that year at Hogwarts that the trio missed.

Rubbish is Ron's point of view after he read's Rita Skeeter's (first) article about Harry. Rather adorably clueless early Hermione/Ron.

fanfic: Veronica Mars
This is for Daybreak: Five Nights at the Neptune Grand, season two spoilers only. (I know you love angst, DB. Lots of angst here!)

fanfic: Battlestar Galactica
Division of Sight, in which Leoben meets with the Oracle on New Caprica.

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

harry potter, links, fic rec, bsg, veronica mars

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