books and FOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!

Feb 13, 2011 20:16

Finished reading Brisingr last night. I had more trouble with the second book than this one, yet book three isn't any shorter. Maybe because there were a few more battle scenes? I did like getting more points of view. Oh, and Nasuada had plenty to do, so that helped. Hm. I was surprised and pleased to have more than one chapter with Saphira's viewpoint; it was well-done. Bring on book four of the Inheritance Cycle! Except that it hasn't been published yet and there's no planned publishing date. *sigh*

Time to go find The Thief next? Possibly so.

I baked tonight. I baked yummy, yummy things: a green chili casserole (with sour cream!) and banana-apple bread. SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!

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food, books 2011, books

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