in which I love clothes entirely too much

Aug 16, 2010 18:32

I'm thinking about starting a livejournal community that takes some of the ideas from both Wardrobe Refashion and The Great American Apparel Diet. Both are sites that encourage people to purchase less new clothing. Participants pledge to go without new clothing purchases for a specified amount of time. Both allow people to post about how they're accomplishing this.

I'll post here when I've had time to plan it a bit more. Current goal(ish): have a community ready within a week, so if anyone else wants to join up then, we can aim for a start date of September 1st. (People would be able to sign up at any time, and for any chosen amount of time. I don't have any desire to be strict about this, but starting at the beginning of a month seems easier. Also, theoretically we in the US should have most of the back-to-school shopping done.)

As mentioned above, I don't plan on having a strict start and end day for the community itself. Maybe a post where people can comment with the dates/duration of their pledge not to buy new clothes. Oh, underwear, socks and shoes purchases shouldn't count. They could be made (or remade), but there's a limit to how much craftiness anyone should have to employ. Thrift store and garage sale purchases wouldn't count either, though personally I'll be trying to cut way back on those as well. My closet is impressively full of clothes already.

People who sign up don't have to post, but they're encouraged to do so when they've managed to do something unusual to keep the pledge. What I have in mind are posts about clothing items made or restyled: sewing, knitting, tailoring, etc. Wardrobe Refashion does this regularly.

(To be honest, my main reason for making a livejournal community that performs a similar function is simply to streamline my own participation in a pledge like this. It's easier for me to stay on livejournal and post than to go to a different blogging platform. My second reason is that livejournal is a less-used platform, which would mean a smaller group. Easier to feel personally supportive if there aren't many of us doing this.)

I figure there should be tags like: men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, refashion, sewing, knit/crotchet...

Maybe first post as well. Then anyone who makes a second post should have his/her own tag, so it's easy to track one's own participation.

Name thoughts: clothes_horse. Okay, that name probably works only for me, because of a funny family story about the term. clothes_fast, because we're fasting (abstaining) from buying new clothes. clothes_diet or wardrobe_diet. Hm...

Any thoughts, anyone else? Comments are hidden, so if you're feeling shy, no one else will know that you commented.

all hail my modly powers, clothes

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