yes, I'm busy writing a test

Mar 29, 2007 22:09

Come on, internet, entertain me as I try to procrastinate!

*sigh* Okay, fine, I'll just post something.

So I was commenting to daybreak777 about Lee and suddenly I was blathering about Leoben. Can't imagine how that happened... *innocent face* Yeah, I figured I'd better try to get some of it out of my system before I try talking about Lee again.

I don't think I'm a very "shippy" tv-watcher. I started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in season five and quickly caught up with the DVD's. I liked Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike and even Buffy/Riley, although lots of viewers hated Riley. On Lost I really don't care who pairs up. Jack/Kate, Jack/Juliet, Kate/Sawyer, Juliet/Ben... whatever. Just entertain me (and sometimes the show does). I like the tensions generated by the different relationships but I don't feel invested in one particular pair.

I don't like it when there's only one obvious pair on a show and the writers try every possible trick to keep them apart. I vaguely recall this problem with Northern Exposure. Friends went way overboard with this and I stopped watching. And for BSG we had our pretty pretty pilots with their sibling/playmate/rivalry vibe for a season, with lovely UST and no other obvious options. So the writers threw in random obstacles. When Kara and Anders were paired up we eventually got enough information to make them a viable couple, but only later. Lee/Dee weren't supposed to be a real couple, apparently. So ciao, Dee. See you in the CIC.

side note: Speaking of Kara/Anders, how long have the PTB known they were going to make Anders a cylon? No, wait, I don't want to know. I started listening to the podcasts a few episodes late this season and finally decided to forego them completely. Not only are they spoilery on occasion but I just get so annoyed at what's done seemingly on a whim. I'll probably listen to the rest of the podcasts for season three after season four has started. Then I won't be nearly as bothered because it'll be ancient history. And I do think they're interesting enough to listen to, just not now. (Besides, I figure you guys will pass along any pertinent information I *must* know.)

Anyway... I had a point, maybe. Of all the characters in all the pairs I mentioned from various shows, the pairs I liked best (even if I didn't 'ship them) involved a creepy, powerful male with lots of charisma/magnetism. Spike was always fascinating to me, whether he was with Drusilla, pining for Buffy and replacing her with Harmony (hehehehe!), or making a house fall down around him and Buffy 'cause of the crazy sex. My sekrit tiny Ben crush (on Lost) baffles me, but he's definitely creepy and powerful. And Leoben... where to start? I talk about him way too much as it is.

My OTP: Leoben/screen time with humans. We've seen him almost exclusively with Kara. But Leoben talking to/fighting with Bill Adama was fun, him being tricksy with Laura Roslin was awesome. Imagine how he could mess with Lee Adama's brain?! Or Helo's! What about Leoben talking to Dee or *snicker* Cally? I know, Leoben's obsessed with Kara. But he could, um, get information from them about her, or accuse them of being unsupportive of her, or give them some responsibility regarding her destiny, or... Come one, just give me more Leoben.

Procrastination goal achieved, I can now go to bed feeling guilty and behind at work.

leoben, bsg

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