tee veeeeeeee! V, get it?

Nov 07, 2009 18:17

Okay, so I 'watched' a lot of TV today while cleaning and doing sewing-related things. (Making a couple of skirts shorter. 'Cause I got legs and I know how to use them. Er, sort of, anyway. Mostly the skirts were just way too long.)

V, remake of the mini-series: Wash is was an alien! Oh noes!
I'll probably watch more under similar circumstances--which is to say, if I'm busy doing a mindless chore and would like some pretty people on my TV computer screen.

Flash Forward I mentioned watching the pilot episode and finding it interesting, but I never did go back and watch subsequent episodes. There are a lot of things in entertainment media that I don't believe in personally--like the idea of one true love/soulmates. And I'm willing to suspend that disbelief for a period of time while watching, but Flash Forward is rather dismal about the idea of fate. If one woman follows her 'destiny,' her marriage will end up in ruins. But if a man decides to go against his predestined fate, he can only do so by killing himself. Meh. (And he was such a lovely character! Argh.)

I do think there are things we came to Earth to accomplish, but we still make our own choices. Flash Forward looks like it's going to irritate me in the way it chooses to examine these questions. Plus I already have a show with a huge cast and unanswered mysteries that I like to watch. So this isn't on my list of must-watch shows.

In a completely unsurprising turn of events, Callum Rennie played a creepy, shady character (with a giggle-worthy 'history').

More of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
5 Goodbye to All That I thought I'd hate it. Little boy Martie ended up winning me over; they gave him enough warts to be believable. Yeah, it was a bit too easy by the end, but dang it, I like The Wizard of Oz and I attribute any bonding to the book. Heh.

Oh! Actual plot parts: I knew Derek was going to tell John that Marty Bedell died for him, and I dreaded it. Thomas Dekker sold that scene completely with the teary eyes. Awwwww...

Ellison's working for the Shirleynator, trying to figure out what actually happened at the nuclear powerplant.

Um... is it wrong that I got giggly during Derek's big "War is hell" speech? I dunno if it was the writing or the acting, but that didn't work for me.

Genuinely scary moments in the woods when they're trying to take out the Triple-Eight. This show generally does an excellent job on the voiceover texts; using The Wizard of Oz, especially with child-Marty's voice, continued the great work.

6 The Tower Is Tall but the Fall Is Short As soon as I saw Stephanie Jacobson's ('Razor'--Kendra Shaw) name in the credits, I figured there would be something with her and Derek. And it was really, really watchable. I'm a bit surprised at Derek falling for the idea that she's simply AWOL, rather than Up To Something, but he wasn't exactly thinking with his brain right then.

The new red-headed Terminator on the scene was just fabulous with her very robotic moves.

Savannah Weaver wants her old mommy back. Aw, sweetie. *sadface* Shirleynator's attempts to be a good mother are really fascinating and eerie.

Oooh, Terminator-fight in the elevator! That was totally awesome!

I assume we'll see more of Doctor Sherman.

The revelation at the end: John killed Sarkissian. Nicely done on the foreshadowing of that twist. (Okay, I'd figured it out ahead of time. But it was still well-done.)

7 Brothers of Nablus Okay, the beginning (Ellison seeing "Ellison," who is... there to kill him? And then he gets killed by Cromartie) felt like a dream. So sudden, it was just unreal. It does leave lots of questions. What will Ellison do in the future that makes Skynet want him dead? Or is it something he's already done?

None of that matters right now. Because Cromartie "believes" in him. CREEEEEEEEEPY. Nice echo on the idea of faith. And after that, Ellison proceeds to have not such a good week. But it's okay, because the Shirleynator believes in him too! Oh dear.

Real, human robbers have stolen diamonds and fake ID's from the Connors. Oh, this isn't going to end well for the robbers...

Cromartie and Jody hang out. She's lucky to be alive. But that was seriously one of the funniest sequences on the show--her interacting with him. "Would it kill you to have some conversation?" Heh. Her knocking over the grocery store display was just very amusing.

Riley's back. It was good to have a break from her--I'm now okay with her. Gotten used to her more abrasive personality, I guess. Plus, she faked out Cromartie, so that wins lots of points. (Yay, brief pregnant neighbor appearance!)

Sarah takes mercy on the fourth robber. And that will come back to haunt her. Major theme on the show: everything has consequences.

8 Mr. Ferguson is ill today I'm not sure what the title means still. Mom and son fight about Riley. John can't see his mother's perspective on the situation. Poor Riley. Little does she know that if she sticks around long enough, Skynet will take interest in her in the future and send a robot back to do... something. Kill her, make a replacement, whatever.

Cameron's conversation with John happens in his bed, with her wearing skimpy clothing. Nicely done on the programming there, future-John. Yikes.

Cromartie grabs Sarah. Cromartie doesn't even mind doing a bit of exposition. Sarah ends up in the trunk of the car, which seems to suit her fine, until people start shooting at the car.

John and Riley on a bus to Mexico. I like their conversations throughout this episode. Other than a few small flaws, they feel very much like a real teenage boy and girl talking. And yay, Riley's not ready to just jump into bed with John.

And we get everything to come together in a big shootout in Mexico. Bye, Cromartie! Man, I'll miss you, you unfeeling robot. (Garrett Dillahunt is an acting genius.)

This was a brilliant run of episodes, six through eight in particular. Aw, show, you're fabulous!

I was theorizing that Shirleynator could develop an attachment to Savannah at one point. Apparently even a TV show with a child in danger is too scary a possibility, so my brain was being ridiculously optimistic. Terminators aren't like cylons, and Savannah Weaver is in danger, period, for as long as Shirleynator is acting as her mother.

Right now it would appear that Ellison hasn't revealed anything about his knowledge of Sarah and John Connor to Shirleynator, but I don't know if that will last. He's a danger to the family, even if he doesn't intend to be. I'm curious if he'll go back to Mexico to get Cromartie's body or not...

This show makes me want to go buy a big-screen TV. Until now I've been too cheap and lazy to bother.

tv, terminator: the sarah connor chronicles

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