stories to read!

Oct 16, 2009 18:30

First, here's the masterlist of all stories submitted to the femgenficathon this year, in order by fandom.

This is my favorite ficathon: a prompt that's vague enough to have a lot of meanings, and any choice of female character from just about any source. Books, movies, TV shows. Trying to make deadline this year was great help in finally finishing the "Martha Jones in 1913" story I've wanted to write for a while.

Star Trek (reboot): Silence Beyond Words by tree_and_leaf. Nyota Uhura, after the attacks on the fleet.

Pride & Prejudice: A Prudential Light by tree. Charlotte Lucas at seven, seventeen, twenty-seven and thirty-seven.

Harry Potter: Sorrows and Regrets by vegablack62. Augusta Longbottom, just after the attacks on her son and daughter-in-law. (This technically makes the story pre-series.) Augusta was never a sweet granny; this story does justice to her.

Anne of Green Gables: A Bend in the Road by shiiki. A nice moment between Anne and Diana.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Scents on the Wind by miss_morland. Remember Bree and Hwin? This story is about Hwin coming back to Narnia.

Battlestar Galactica: Chavelle's Primrose Mystery by lls_mutant. Okay, the description will get some of you interested right away: The last cosmetics vendor in the universe has turned up dead. Ellen Tigh needs to figure out who killed her, before she's accused of the crime herself. HEE! For the rest of you, just trust me.

Faith Like Wings by taragel. I've already recommended this once, but 1) I like to be thorough in making my list of favorite stories from this year's challenge and 2) this story really is that good.

Do No Harm by brennanspeaks. Ishay at work in sickbay during the mutiny. It's lovely and heartbreaking and very real.

I wrote the only Doctor Who fanfic this year?! Huh, that's surprising.

eta: That reminds me, if you have any Doctor Who story recs for me, I would love them. Especially for the 'Human Nature'/'Family of Blood' arc--once I started writing my own story in that time period, I avoided looking for them, and now that I'm done, I'm realizing there aren't that many stories or I'm looking in the wrong places. (No spoilers past season three, please.)

harry potter, movies, fic rec, bsg, books

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