BSG request ficlets

Jul 08, 2009 13:33

I have a draft done of the made-me-cry-while-rewatching-the-finale fic. Sadly it makes it FAR too clear which remix fic is mine (has mine been posted yet or not? I'm not telling!). I can't decide what to do with it--post it now or wait. I hate waiting.

In the meantime, I have Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" stuck in my head. (It's related. Really.)

I have some wee request fics. wisteria_ requested: "taboo," any characters and timeframe
Kara and Lee, Kobol (references to Kara/Sam). PGish for language. Written in second person, since I was doing that just before writing this. This time period has probably been written far too often by Kara/Lee fans, but I haven't tried it before, so it's new to me. *g*
Lee was still Lee: all edges and sharpness on top and little boy softness underneath. You forgot, just a little, while you were back on Caprica. So much had happened; cylons, bullets, bombs... Sam.

It was disorienting, this return. A kiss from Lee, declarations of friendship and love. He had broken those unspoken rules that had kept you safe for so long.

Getting back to normal now--a disagreement about Helo, trying to keep Helo's damn cylon girlfriend alive long enough for her to lead them to Athena's tomb. Lee was angry at you. You liked it better that way. Easier to keep him in those boxes: Zak's brother, the CAG, the Old Man's son.

He took first watch; neither of you trusted Zarek's henchmen. You tried to sleep. Couldn't. You planned how to talk to President Roslin about going back for Sam and the others. You listened to the rain dripping on the tarp over your heads.

Must've finally dozed off, because next thing you knew Lee was gently shaking your shoulder. "Your turn," he whispered. After you got up he took your spot. You told yourself it didn't mean anything that he was sleeping where you had been, that he was feeling the warmth your body had left there.

You rubbed your arms as you walked the perimeter. Chilly now and still wet outside.

Back under the tarp you looked at the others. Helo and Sharon--cylon Sharon--were asleep. The president was quiet and still but you thought maybe she was awake. Her body was tense; losing the priest had been a blow.

Zarek was quietly talking to one of his men--not the bald one, the other one. Jackass. You narrowed your eyes as you watched them.

Lee... he was sleeping next to you, hair messed up, mouth open a bit. His breathing sounded like Zak's.

You held your own breath for a moment. He's not yours not yours not yours and never can be. You had Sam now. Sam, who didn't know all your mistakes and how frakked up you were.

It was better to think about Sam, to avoid edging past the taboos with Lee. Keeping watch, you rehearsed your speech for the president again.

daybreak777 requested: Six on Cylon-occupied New Caprica. Prompt: Best laid plans.
She saw Felix Gaeta's reaction to them: anger mixed with hopelessness. How much was directed toward the Cylon and how much toward Gaius, she didn't know. Gaius, who'd been drowning in pills and sex before they'd arrived. She viewed it as a challenge; she could do better than Felix Gaeta, aide to President Baltar.

In spite of Gaius' shortcomings, she was proud of him for trying to serve humanity in this role. He hadn't been stagnant during her absence. She could see how, together, they could help humanity, improve it.

Gradually that hope slipped away. The way she felt alone even when they were having sex, the carefully worded acquiescence to whatever she suggested--all of it began to weigh on her, to cling to her skin.

She noticed Felix looking at her one day, during a meeting with Gaius and her brethren. A moment of awareness clicked--she knew that her expression was a mirror of his that first day--futile resentment, desperation. Felix made eye contact; he didn't smile, nor did she, but she knew that he understood.

prolix_allie requested: Kara/Sam or just Kara, up to you. Prompt: sunlight.

She was tempted to ask Sam to stand still for a moment, just so she could look at him in the rare sunlight. But since they were in the middle of a game her appreciation of the play of light on his hair and skin had to be fleeting. She was winning. (Mostly because she was cheating, but it was okay because he knew it.)

The game had been larger and with some adherence to the rules earlier. Bright sunshine had brought out a lot of people after work hours were over. Gradually they'd started leaving as the temperature cooled. Not fair, she'd thought. It wasn't that chilly yet and there was still plenty of light. When they'd finally ended up with just three players, Duck had excused himself and gone to sit next to Nora, who'd been watching the game and stretching out to feel the sun.

Now she was warm, really warm, because playing against Sam meant using all of her body. Muscles that she hadn't used enough lately were already feeling achy. She weighed her options and decided to do a quick cheat on a shot. Leaning her weight on Sam as part of the fakeout, she suddenly ended up flat on the ground.

Gasping for air, she stared up at the sky and Sam. Beautiful blue, she thought, feeling disoriented like during an FTL jump. Then she was back to herself. "Help me up, Sammy," she ordered, sticking her hand in the air.

Instead of pulling her up (or being thrown down by her, which had been her intention), he jumped on top of her, keeping most of his weight off her by putting his forearms on the ground next to her shoulders and head. He put his face in the crook of her neck and started licking the skin, making her burst into laughter.

He pulled back slightly, a teasing grin on his face as he looked at her. She stared at the sunlight slanting through his lashes and hair, golden against the blue of the sky and his eyes. For a moment she let herself just take in the view. Gods, he was pretty.

"Get a room," yelled Duck, and the spell was broken.

Nora corrected him, "Get a tent!" Her high laughter was echoed by Sam's chuckle. Kara put both hands on the sides of Sam's face and kissed him sloppily, to the approval of their small audience.

emmiere requested: how about that time Leoben gave relationship advice. Or Hera, prompt: curiousity.
My first thought was that Leoben probably gave relationship advice to Edward Cullen. Thanks for nothing, merrykk! (Someone should write that.) Ah well. Have some Hera-fic instead. Sort of cheating on this--it's part of an idea I started writing that didn't pan out.
She could see pictures when Mommy slept. Not all the time; just sometimes. Her favorite was the pretty building with all the stairs. Mommy always came looking for her, and she ran and ran inside the picture. It was fun. Then she got to see the lady with the pretty blonde hair, like Kara's.

Hera liked the blonde lady. She remembered seeing inside the pictures that the blonde lady had when she lived on the other ship. There were lots of blonde ladies on the other ship, the one with the other Mommy.

She remembered pictures that the other Mommy shared, too, the one who wasn't really her mommy. Sometimes they scared her. But that was a long time ago; now she was bigger. But inside the big building she was still small when she ran. That's why it was funny, running with those short little legs but Mommy still couldn't catch her.

(She knew there was another mommy too, who looked different, but that mommy lived on a planet. Hera didn't know what happened to that mommy.)

Daddy didn't have pictures like Mommy that Hera could see. Mostly only people who looked like her mommy or the blonde lady had them. She knew because when the other ones who looked like her mommy and like the blonde lady came on the Galactica she could see their pictures. If they saw her looking in their pictures, they played with her, too.

Some of the blonde ladies liked the forest, but when they played with Hera, it changed into a field. She hid in the grasses and laughed and laughed.

The other ones like Mommy had all kinds of pretty pictures like houses, but sometimes when she went inside them, she didn't like how the pictures changed. She wanted to run around and they wanted her to stay inside, safe in one place.

Daddy's friend Kara didn't make pictures like the others, but Hera liked being around her. Mommy didn't really like Kara. Maybe it was because she had blonde hair too, and Mommy didn't like the blonde-haired ladies. When Hera had drawn pictures of the blonde ladies before, Mommy got mad.

Kara had funny kinds of... not pictures. It was something else but Hera didn't know the words. So she drew something instead and Mommy didn't even notice, so it was okay. Kara said the drawings were of stars. Hera nodded because maybe they were. She wasn't sure. She gave Kara one of them to keep and Kara liked it.

lyssie requested: Kara and Tory and Cally and Seelix. Possibly setting off bombs.
New Caprica, early days of the Resistance
Diana was amused, watching Tory. She just stared at the bomb components, dark eyes wide, looking (for once) less than competent.

"It's easy," Diana told her. "You just slide this wire in here..." She tried a few times, then stopped. Her fingers felt clumsy; this was always the tricky part.

Cally grinned at both of them. "I see we're doing... about normal." Handing Nicky over to Diana, Cally took the pieces and quickly slid them together. "There," she announced, pleased with her work.

"You make it look so easy," grumbled Diana. "Not my fault I don't have tiny little hands like some people." She looked at Nicky, warm in her arms. He hadn't started crying yet, a good sign. Except--never mind. Wincing at his piercing wail, she handed the baby back to Cally.

"Hey, little guy. Mommy's right here," she whispered. He immediately stopped crying.

Good thing Diana's self-esteem didn't depend on being loved by almost-newborns.

"Cally, what the hell are you doing here? I thought we'd agreed that you'd stay out of this." Chief Tyrol--no, Galen, Diana reminded herself, was walking over to them, looking more than just irritated.

"I was just stopping by to tell you about dinner." Cally's face had that completely innocent expression, her specialty. Diana knew from experience just how much trouble the woman avoided with that look.

The couple argued, Nicky held tightly in Cally's arms. Diana could see both points of view. Chief wanted one of them to be completely blameless, unknowing of the Resistance plans. Understandable, because they had a son to take care of. Cally didn't want to be cut off from what was part of her husband's life, and a cause she believed in.

Diana looked at Tory; she had a disconcerted expression on her face as she stared at them. "Don't worry about those two," Diana said. "Arguing just means they're in the same room. It'll end quick enough." Sure enough, Cally had now handed Nicky over to Chief, giving her husband a quick peck on the lips, and was walking back to the table with the bomb components, clearly ready to get back to work. Her back to her husband, she had a tiny, victorious smile on her face.

Tory continued looking at Chief Tyrol for a moment. Diana briefly wondered what she was thinking, then she turned back to work on assembling more bomb parts with Cally.

myfic, bsg

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