First, let me announce: we're posting fics at the
bsg_remix comm! The current plan is to post three each day, then reveal who the remixers were after we're done posting all of the stories.
Related to last night's post, I thought
this was an excellent summary of the fail in many of the arguments used for not including warnings on fanfiction.
Moving on... Happy Canada day to those who celebrate it!
Time for some letters.
Dear grocery store megacorp that has already taken over the world (and may do it a second time just for fun),
You have been labeled evil by many. I've ignored those declarations and continued shopping in your establishments, mostly due to laziness pricing and convenience. But today I've found it--the proof of your evilness.
Chocolate peanut butter, perched next to the regular peanut butter; I scoffed as I saw it, sure that it would contain a plethora of evil ingredients. But when I read the label, it touted itself as being free of hydrogenated oils and of high fructose corn syrup. In fact, all of the ingredients were recognizable as actual food.
Then the product forced me to drop it into my cart. Alas.
*brandishes spoon* Perhaps I was hasty in declaring your evilness, though, dear grocery store megacorp. This matter clearly requires further study.
Talking with my mouth full,
Dear U.S. Immigrations and Customs,
Being kept waiting in a holding pen on the airplane for nearly an hour, moved about in long lines, examined and stared at: if your goal was to make me feel like a sheep--an angry sheep--you have succeeded.
Choking on my bile,
Dear Rose's brain,
Perhaps you should try working on something related to... work. Just a suggestion.
Rose's home, laundry pile, unfinished lesson plans, unread books, et al