I'm going to ignore the headache and other aches for a moment.
1) We could use some beta-readers to help with the
bsg_remix. The volunteer post is
here. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that my co-mod,
lls_mutant, wouldn't mind if you signed up to beta-read even if you're not participating in the remix. *g*
2) Links!
Speaking of beta-reading,
here's an essay about it.
Picspam that compares/contrasts Jack Shepherd and Lee Adama. Hee!
I did a
poll once to figure out which one was more emo. Results were inconclusive.
I know it's been recced in several places, but I just recently (finally!) watched the fanvid
Hera Has Six Mommies. It's fascinating--very atmospheric and examines the whole cylon obsession with reproduction.
Kara/Leoben fanvid
I Alone, by
nnaylime, uses a song that would never have thought of, but it works. It also makes me have thinky thoughts about the conflation of sex and death and destiny for Kara... (er, I should specify that the show did it first--the vid just made me think about it a bit more).
A vid about Kara and her destiny:
Follow me into the darkness by
threezerotwo. An example of an instrumental song choice that works really well. (Uses mostly season four footage.)