I like making polls.

May 04, 2009 18:13

I'm about to dive back into work-related stuff, but I have thoughts on an important subject: me. (heh)

You know what I didn't do at church yesterday or at work today? Think about writing fic. It was such a relief. The two post-finale fics I've written just ate at me until I finished them. I'm never believing the muse again when she says something will be 'fun' to write. Gah! It's been a long time since a story (stories) bugged me that hard to be written. Over twelve thousand words in just over a month. That's almost as much in word total as all the fic that I cross-posted anywhere last year. I'm not counting ficlets and such.

I'm totally counting these two fics as my finale meta. In other words, don't expect an actual post all about why I didn't hate the finale anytime soon. Or maybe ever.

Speaking of that... season 4.5 in general has really put a damper on my fic appreciation. I'm not sure how to pinpoint all of it, but something about having characters officially end has made me enjoy fic about them less. Poor Gaeta--I've not been keeping up with stories about him at all. I've still been reading Sam fics (or more specifically, Kara/Sam fics, since I haven't seen any dealing with just Sam) but not liking them as well.

Same applies to Kara, actually. *sigh*

Possibly I'll just have to write my own fic about these characters to get past this. Hm.

All of this brings up some interesting thoughts about what is or isn't canon, though. I rarely attempt to write something that deliberately goes against what the show has established. Sometimes my fic may speculate on what comes next, but I try to keep it within the universe we know. But my definition of canon is apparently a lot more restrictive than other people's.

Though when the canon idea is, in my opinion, inherently dumb, I have no problem ignoring it. Hello, human/cylon babies (not made out of love)! Welcome to Earth!

For me canon is what was on the show the first time an episode airs. Period. No webisodes, no extended DVD versions of the episode or deleted scenes. No commentary from the producers.

I'm not sure how much of this is me being some weird sort of show purist (is that even possible?) and how much is that I didn't even know about most of these things until well into season three. (Well... I knew about whatever deleted scenes were on the season one and two discs, as well as commentaries, but they were just novelties.) I didn't know that there were pre-season three webisodes that, as a dutiful fan, I should have gone online and watched. When I finally did watch them, they bored me. The only reason I persisted was because I was trying to write fic about a minor character (Jean Barolay) and was willing to take any character development I could get.

I didn't watch whatever 'Razor' minisodes there were and the only reason I finally watched the season 4.5 webisodes is because I was considering writing 'Racetrack and Gaeta are werewolves' fic and wanted to see if what happened there in terms of character development would contradict any of my ideas. (It's the fault of those Underworld movie ads that everyone kept referencing in their posts about the webisodes. Lycans! I may still write that story someday; I kept my notes.)

Oh, and RDM has possibly the most annoying episode commentaries ever; it's enough to make me want to disregard anything he says just because I don't want to have to listen to it.

And since I've blathered on about this long enough, here. Tell me your view.
Poll My canon is better than your canon

poll, writing, bsg, rose is weird

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