Harry Potter stuff! Visiting my sister!

Feb 06, 2007 20:16

My sister's oldest child turned eight in January, old enough to be baptized. So I made a quick visit to witness it. My parents and I rode in their van. Comfy! And me not driving, yay! It's a long, mostly boring drive, so I sat in the back with my notepad. My muse and I amused ourselves. (Fic soon! One being beta'd right now, another... well, it's simmering.)

My sister and her husband have a brood of beautiful, intelligent, creative children. It's a pleasure to behold. We played some and I read a lot of books. Basically the kids went from one visiting adult to the next to have stories read to them. It's part of their family culture. Every night in addition to reading aloud from the scriptures, my sister and her husband read from a chapter book. Right now they're sharing Little Britches. It's quite an exciting book. They've read some of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books in the past. Hooray for families that read together!

Oh snap, Snape!

And now, to the amazement of all, I shall mention another fandom besides BSG.

Okay, my S-I-L and I had an argument after reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I was fairly certain that Snape was still in the camp of the righteous. She was positive he's really Voldemort's man. My B-I-L, however, is surprisingly active in the HP fandom (he knew what fanfiction was!), and he pointed the way to a third option here.

Machiavelli's Half-Blood Prince

The author cites Machiavelli and chess moves and uses information about Roman generals (truly he has a dizzying intellect) to make a very persuasive argument... enough so that I am giving up on Snape as my secret good guy. *sniffs* But Snape! I ♥ you! (And I ♥ Alan Rickman too, but I had a secret fondness for Snape well before any of the movies were made.)

eta: That is just weird. I checked on OSC's website to see if he'd written anything new and guess what! He wrote about Snape! *mind boggles*

harry potter, family, books

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