Jul 04, 2007 14:49
No really, they can't! I noticed Helen's facebook status this morning being about how she was looking forward to having lunch with me, and then my mum said I'm one of the most caring people she knows, and then someone from college posted a thing on facebook saying I'm one of the genuinely nicer people that he knows. Ahhhh! It's cheered me up no end, because this rain is getting really rather irritating.
In other news, since arriving home from university I have -
1. Spent far too much time in Widnes' new coffee shop.
I went with my mum on Monday for a coffee, Helen yesterday for lunch, coffee AND cake, and then with my mum again today for a quick coffee. It was actually pretty embarrassing when the miserable woman who works there cleaned the table I was sat at and actually laughed. Fortunately I won't be in there for at least a few days now though, because I'll be out of the area.
2. Squeeeed over Dr Who. Twice.
I have photographed the crotch of Boe. Enough said.
3. Tried to go for a walk and got soaked.
Why is it that when my mum and I decide to go for a walk, it rains? Seriously, every time! It hadn't rained for hours yesterday. Like actually 6 hours. And then as soon as we're at the furthest point from our house, it bounces down. Bloody Sod and his stupid laws.
4. Got bored into actually starting redrafting my essays.
I say redrafting, it's actually been more a case of reading some of the books I got out from the library, but still it's work. I said to myself "I'll give myself a good 2/3 weeks off, if not a month", but then I go and spoil it all by doing something stupid like reading. I blame the weather.
5. Had eye sex with both Pete Postlethwaite and Prince Edward.
Yesterday evening my mother, father and I went to see The Tempest at The Royal Exchange in Manchester. It was excellent on the whole. Pete himself was brilliant, quite possibly even better than Patrick Stewart was in Stratford, and Miranda was far, far better than her Stratford counterpart. Caliban was really good, quite Gollum-esque and creepy in his movement, but he also nailed the pitiful side of the character. The set was brilliantly done, particularly given that it's a really small space for such a big play. There was one moment when Ariel came onstage and spread sand around on the floor to music. It doesn't sound like much, because I just can't do it justice, but it was awesome.
Ariel was, however, the only character I thought wasn't really portrayed correctly. This may just be because the other two productions of this play that I've seen in the last 18 months did it so well, and so differently. What I love about this character is the way in which he's so supernatural and weird. He's always there, but you don't always notice him. He's so calm, but you can see he wants to be free. He's powerful, but he's tamed. The thing with 's portrayal of Ariel was that he was too human. They'd tried to make him much more of a comic character, which they just didn't need to do because there's already plenty of comedy. He moved like Caliban, and seemed to take on the role of the mischevious spirit. Kind of like Puck and Caliban's love child. Ok, so there are parallels between Caliban and Ariel, but I don't think they need to be spelled out to an audience like that. I think their diversity is absolutely fascinating.
But, on the whole it was fantastic!
Oh, I almost forgot! At the interval, we realised that Price Edward was sitting just opposite us. Eye sex shortly ensued and then I was too scared to look in his direction again, just in case his body guard shot me.