Last night was the first night of our Rally O class. I'm really learning so much from my boss, she is very patient and helps to coach me along as she is teaching. I'm helping her with her Nervous Nelly class too, so I'm learning more about working with dogs that have reactive problems with people or other dogs.
My punctures have healed nicely I can only see 7 smallish scars that will be left from where Max the Lab puppy attacked me. Sadly it has affected me more than I had realized. I was putting a dog (named Riley who is dog and people aggressive) into a den this morning and he snapped at the feet of the dog in the adjacent den, because he could see them under the partition. I jumped when I heard him and found myself backing away from him without even noticing it. I've never had a problem with Riley before and he has even let me pick him up and carry him when we had to transport him across the kennel after the halls had been bleached, but when I heard his growl and bark the only thought I had was to get out of the den. I'm sad about this because it is going to get me hurt again. I've known that dogs could smell fear but I didn't know until yesterday that a dog can "hear" your heartbeat and they know when it starts racing, and at that point your screwed.
All the trainers went to a clicker conference last weekend and Amber (my boss) brought me back some fun stuff. She brought me back a really nice target stick and a book on Rally and some nice red I-click clickers. So I've been busy reading and trying to get more comfortable with Rally so I will have an easier time teaching our class when Amber is running late.
Things at home are going pretty good at the moment. If the jobs bill gets passed to extend unemployment benefits until the end of the year, I will have a hell of a lot less stress.
xtown_traffic is waiting to hear back from the Vocational Rehab office of the Department of Labor about which classes he will be taking at the Center for the Visually Impaired. Hopefully they will be able to get him matched up with a job that he will be able to enjoy here in Atlanta so that I can continue working with Amber.
Anyway I guess that's about it for the night, I'm going to go do some reading, or watching some Rally videos on youtube until I can't stay awake any longer.